Saturday, May 29, 2004

Chapter 3: Who knew being so badass could be so easy?

So Bunny went to this party.
And she kicked ass.
Some boy tried to get with her.
And they were drunk.
And she pushed him over.
Dont mess wit tha Bunny.

Murmaid is going to a party tonight.
And intends on getting smashed.
And having a bloody good time.
Bunny could have come.
But she doesnt want to.
So Murmaid will represent.
And call Bunny from the party.
And send her lots of love in the form of:

Bunnies love Murmaids.
Murmaids love Bunnies.

Wednesday, May 05, 2004

Chapter I:

Once upon a time there was bunny. One day, she decided to venture out into the world to experience all that was possible:
She rode a camel in Egypt.
She found love in Paris. She even danced on the Pont D'Avignon.
She pretended to be Bridget Jones in London.
She watched bull fighting in Spain.
She saw the lights of Tokyo.
She said "eh" in Canada.
She used chopsticks in China.
She slept through an entire 24h dark day in Norway.
She rode on a vespa with a boy in Italy.
She wore lederhosen in Germany.
She saw a broadway play in New York.
She played with Elephants in Kenya.
She ate an enchilada in Mexico.
She wore the "Denmark Jacket" in Denmark
She visited a mosque in Saudi Arabia
She was even neutral in Switzerland.
She had ferrets thrown at her in Oregon.
She met the Dahli Llama.
She ate octopus with olive oil in Greece. She wore a toga too...
She dirty danced in Cuba.
She talked to a monkey in India.
She got "laid" in Honolulu.
She got cold in Iceland.
She even messed with Texas.
because Bunny was cool like that.
One day, Bunny decided to venture out to sea. She had yet to really experience the open ocean, so she rented a boat, and sailed out into the world.
It was there that she met the Murmaid.
(What is a Murmaid? DUH. omgomgomflog! A Murmaid is a mermaid that is way cool. Dumbass.)
Anyway, it was on that trip that Bunny and the Murmaid became friends.
Which was nice. Because then they both weren't so lonely.
Which they were a lot.
So here they were, Bunny and the Murmaid. Out to see the world, one adventure at a time.